Dear ,
St. Nick is getting ready to take to the sky and join us THIS FRIDAY for the MYO National Virtual Christmas event, taking place on December 18, 2020 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST. Check out the attached flyer for more information, and how to register!
A ZOOM Link will be emailed out shortly after registration, so please ensure that email addresses are included in the registration.
Please note: We ask that you join 15 minutes before to avoid technical difficulties and so that we can begin on time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. St. Nick is ready to make room in his heart for A Night in Bethlehem...are you?
Yours In Christ,
The National Maronite Youth Organization
PS- Check out this special message from your National MYO Board here!