Dear ,
We hope you are well and healthy. We are reaching out to you to share that the National Maronite Youth Organization will be hosting an evening of prayer virtually for the Christmas season. With COVID continuing to prevent us from meeting in person, and following our successful national virtual retreat back in June, we hope that joining as one body of Christ through ZOOM will allow our youth from each corner of the country to reconnect, as we come together to welcome our Lord into the world.
Some important points to note regarding the evening of prayer:
Theme: A Night in Bethlehem: Make Room in Your Heart
Date: December 18, 2020 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST
Duration: 2 hours
Open to all youth ages 12-18 in the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles and the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn.
Where: ZOOM
Registration Opens: November 16, 2020;
Registration Deadline: December 15, 2020.
A flyer is attached to this communication for your use in promoting this evening of prayer.
All youth, advisors, and pastors will be able to register at Please note that youth are unable to register themselves. They must have a parent fill out the registration form for them. Please make sure the pastor is aware of any youth registering, as they will receive a final list of all registrants. You can direct any registration questions or issues to
A ZOOM Link will be emailed out shortly after registration, so please ensure that youth email addresses are included in the registration.
In addition, we are asking that all MYOs meet either virtually or safely in person, and have your group sing the first three verses of “Angels We Have Heard on High,” found here. Once you have recorded these in landscape (sideways) mode in high quality, please submit them to us here.
In these challenging times, we encourage MYOs that are meeting in person do so safely and practicing social distancing if they plan to join the evening of prayer together as a group. However, each individual youth must register separately.
Please note: We ask that all participants join 15 minutes before to avoid technical difficulties and so that we can begin on time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to welcoming you and your youth to A Night in Bethlehem!
In Christ,
The National Maronite Youth Organization