Dear ,
We hope you can join us for A Night In Bethlehem: Make Room in Your Hearts tonight. We are so excited to welcome you to this evening of prayer, worship and fun! Here is the ZOOM information for your use.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 1764 3289
Password: myo
Please DO NOT share this ZOOM information with anyone that is not registered for the event!
We ask that you join 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. The event will begin at the following time (based on your timezone):
8PM EST (Eparchy of St. Maron, Ohio, Michigan)
7PM CST (Chicago, Minneapolis, Texas)
5PM PST (California, Nevada)
The event will be about 2 hours long, and will be followed by a fun Christmas movie!
If you have any questions or concerns as our event time approaches, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at! We cannot wait to reconnect in about an hour with each of you.
In Christ,
The National Maronite Youth Organization
MYO Office 11935 Bellfort Village Drive, Houston, TX 77031